Sunday 23 August 2015

Day 327...

MONDAY 27.7.15 - I am thankful for... One last walk in Ireland

Dun Laoghaire. Pronounced Dun Leary, which I never would have guessed but glad I overheard someone say it. Today was a damp an dreary day. Nether the less I was keen to go for one last walk around the town, one last walk around Ireland. I spent the morning in Dublin shopping and went to see the Book of Kells, an amazing piece of artistry. Then after lunch I waited for the rain to dissipate a little and off I went on a walk around Dun Laoghaire. The town is right on the coastline, with a marina close by. I had the privilege of walking down one of the piers to the lighthouse, to a great view of the town from the water. I have really loved my time here, Ireland being one of my most favourite places to have visited. I have no doubt I'll be back one day, but who knows when that will be. I am incredibly thankful that the rain stopped long enough for me to have one last walk before I start the journey home tomorrow. Until next time Ireland!

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