SUNDAY 1.2.15 - I am thankful for... One of my besties, Dani

Today is one of my two amazing best friends' birthdays. I haven't asked if she minded being the subject of my blog today, so fingers crossed she doesn't get mad! The three of us have been best friends for over 20 years. I met both girls when I moved to Brisbane at 6 years old. We went through primary school together, different high schools, and Dani and I attended the same Uni doing similar courses. We even got to live together for a while, along with her now husband, before I moved to Sydney for work, one of the best times in my life, sooooooooooo much fun! There are so many things that make this girl an incredible person and friend. I could probably almost write a thesis on it! During our years of friendship she has always been there for me. The good times, the hard times, the joy and the sadness. Listening to my whinging and complaining and never afraid to tell me what she thinks and if I'm being stupid. We've been through a lot together. Her friendship and loyalty has been selfless and unwavering, I only hope I have been the same for her. There have been so many times she has or was willing to drop everything and come to help me, for example, when I burnt my hand catching my hair straightener (#epicfail) she was willing to miss a compulsory uni tute to take me to the doctors. When I was in hospital, she and my other bestie came and sat with me for an entire afternoon playing games to keep me company. She has visited a few times when she was able here is Sydney and last year I and my other bestie had the pleasure of being bridesmaids for her wedding. I could not imagine my life without her, nor would I ever want to. So, even being so many miles away and unable to celebrate her birthday, there's is nothing I am more thankful for today than her. I even made cupcakes in her honour! I only hope everyone finds best friends of the same calibre as I have. They truly are a blessing, enriching my life beyond imagination.