Monday 19 January 2015

Day 130... Sick but still thankful!

SUNDAY 11.1.15 - I am thankful for... Getting my Degree framed, finally!

Oh man, still quite sick today. Was in my lounge room today with my air-conditioning as cold as it could go, and was still hot! Being sick it can be hard to find things to be thankful for, mostly because you feel so rotten. But, in this exercise of being thankful 365 days of the year, I choose to find something! During another period of time when I'd had some more Panadol and was feeling up to it, I raced to the framing shop to pick up my University Degree that I had framed. Now, I graduated from Uni and received the certificate back in March 2009... nearly 6 years ago! So I thought it was about time I had it professionally framed to keep it in good condition if nothing else. As the gentleman at the frame shop said, "you've worked hard enough for it, why not make it presentable?". I am so happy with the end result. Doesn't it look awesome and professional? So I am thankful that I FINALLY got my act together to get it done. Now next dilema is... where do I put it...

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