Saturday 3 January 2015

Day 117...

MONDAY 29/12/14 - I am thankful for... Not having a schedule

*Picture from
Woke up this morning and guess what? It's still raining :p So no beach this morning. Bummer. But the great thing about being on holidays? No schedule. I don't have to be anywhere at a certain time. Which means I can relax and spend all day just hanging out with my family, doing whatever we feel like. And that's what I've been looking forward to the most, spending quality time with my mum and sister, just the 3 of us as I don't see them as much as I'd like. So even though the weather is still not exactly beach friendly, we can still hang out, go shopping, watch Foxtel and whatever else we like. When we like. For however long we want. Ahhh gotta love holidays with the fam! So whilst it may not seem like much, I'm thankful for not having a schedule. There's plenty of time for them after holidays!

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