Monday 1 December 2014

Day 87...

SATURDAY 29.11.14 - I am thankful for... Will power


*Picture from internet

For many years now I have been battling with fatigue. Some days or weeks are worse than others. This was a bad week. I've really struggled with energy levels all this week, and this morning I just had to force myself out of bed without going to my Saturday morning Zumba class, around 11:30am. Half the day gone already! But I was determined to NOT go back to bed, instead I forced myself to do grocery shopping, got a power juice, forced myself to go for a walk and ate some steak for dinner. By evening I actually felt a little better! I'm really glad I found the will power to get up and moving. I was not sick, so my body didn't need to heal, just tired. So I'm thankful I was able to do that. Let's hope tomorrow will be a more energetic day!

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