Sunday, 14 December 2014

Day 99...

THURSDAY 11.12.14 - I am thankful for... Finishing my Christmas Shopping

By the start of December, I had almost finished my Christmas shopping. This was mainly due to the fact I set myself the task of buying as many presents from charities and non-profit organisations, which needed more forward planning. However there were still a few bits and pieces I needed to get. Today is the day I can officially say I have finished my 2014 shopping! Woohoo! Whilst I was not able to get every single thing from charitable stores, I would say at least 80% of my shopping was successfully done through charities. It was a challenge that I really enjoyed and might try again next year. I absolutely love giving people gifts, thinking about the person, what they like and finding something they would really enjoy. I never expect gifts in return, giving gives me more pure joy than receiving ever could. My colleague and I both have stockings and each work day through December until we go on leave, we put a present in the stocking. The cheaper and dodgier... the better! It's just so much fun! Therefore I am thankful for occasions to give others gifts, and for finishing my Christmas shopping! Until next year...

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