SATURDAY 13.12.14 - I am thankful for... Christmas Trees
Walking through the city after my Saturday morning Zumba class, I came across the Sydney CBD Christmas tree. As a walked further into the Pitt Street Mall I saw another Christmas tree... made completey out of Lego! Nothing says Christmas like a Christmas tree. Traditionally the tree was originally decorated with edibles like apples and nuts. It wasn't until the 18th century that candles, tinsel and candy canes graced their branches. Most people put either an angel (symbol of Gabriel) or a star (Star of Bethlehem) on the top. Personally, I put up my Christmas Tree at home on December 1st every year or as close to it as possible. It's something I look forward to every Christmas, decorating my tree and my place. I'm not sure where the tradition of having a tree came from, but I'm very thankful it exists. No matter how big or small, Christmas trees seem to be a major part of our Christmas decorations, and no doubt will be for a long time to come.
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