Thursday 25 June 2015

Day 295...

THURSDAY 25.6.15 - I am thankful for... Hilarious videos!

*Picture from

I came across the funniest video I have seen in a little while on my Facebook feed. I managed to find a still of it (pictured) on Google. It's about a 15 second video of this guy, shirtless and mallet in hand, swinging on the crane hook singing Miley Cyrus' 'Wrecking Ball' at the top of his lungs. Oh. My. Goodness. I found it so funny I was crying with laughter. I love a good funny video. They usually contain animals doing funny things, people taking the mickey out of themselves and parodies. I don't like watching people get hurt or hurt each other, I don't find that funny at all. Facebook is a good source for funny video clips, I find a lot of them on my feed. So today I am thankful for these videos. If you get a chance look up this video above. I hope you find it as hilarious as I do!

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