Thursday, 4 June 2015

Day 265

TUESDAY 26.05.15 - I am thankful for... An extra blanket on the bed

Winter technically starts in 6 days but I'd say it's pretty much here already. I am fortunate that I live in a brick apartment building with the inside walls rendered. It is at least a few degrees warmer inside my place than outside. In saying that it is definately time to put the warm winter blanket on my bed. It makes such a difference! Pulling the blanket out of the cupboard made me think of all the people living in poverty or on the streets that don't have access to a simple luxury such as a warm blanket for the winter. Such a little thing most of us would probably take for granted. I am thankful today that I am able to have a extra blanket for my bed and know I will be warm enough to sleep comfortably tonight, there are many who aren't.

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