Tuesday 14 October 2014

Day 40... On a roll!

MONDAY 13.10.14 - I am thankful for... Home Group

First night back at home group, or bible study since the school holidays. I realise not all of you who read this may be "religious" (though I prefer the term faithful) but I hope you keep reading to see my reasons why. As a devout Christian I do believe reading the bible is important and necessary to grow our relationship with Jesus, however technically we can do that on our own I guess (the reading part). I love my home group for many reasons. Once a week we get together, have dinner together and just talk about our weeks and what's happening in our lives. It's so great to not only read through the bible together which is important, but to have a group of people who are so consistent in my life, to celebrate the awesome stuff that happens, to be available to lean on when times are tough. They have been a great source of support for me seeing as I have no family here in Sydney with me. We love each other's company and really notice when one of us is missing. We are good friends! My only wish is that everyone had a group like this, no matter how big or small, to be there for you like a second family. I'm certainly blessed with mine.

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