Thursday, 5 March 2015

Day 183... I'M HALFWAY!!!!!!!!

THURSDAY 05.03.15 - I am thankful for... Downsizing my belongings

*Picture from

Day 183 and I'm officially halfway through my 365 Days of Thanksgiving! Thank you to all of you who have read, are still reading and left me messages of encouragement. I really appreciate it and it certainly helps me to keep this going!

Though I can't put my finger on exactly why, I have been feeling lately that I have too much 'stuff'. Stuff that isn't useful anymore, stuff I don't use anymore, stuff that doesn't fit anymore. So I'm in the process of going through everything and selling the those things I can and giving away those I can't. I'm trying to really not value 'things' in my life but rather people and experiences. I am fortunate that my mother is the same. She was always cleaning out places within the house and getting rid of things we didn't need, as well as making sure we did all the dance classes, music and sport lessons and tutoring we wanted and needed. I think I can safely say I don't have hoarding in my genes! If you don't use it, there may be someone out there less fortunate who can. Today's society places a lot of emphasis on having certain things so it's quite an empowering experience getting rid of stuff that not necessary in your life anymore. I am thankful for that frame of mind and hope someone else will be blesses by my things like I have been.

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