Sunday 31 May 2015

Day 256...

SUNDAY 17.05.15 - I am thankful for... Hospital Emergency Departments

*Please note this weeks worth of blog posts are done retrospectively as I was in hospital very unwell.

*Picture from

I awoke in the morning a lot worse for wear than yesterday. By lunch I was violently ill and it was clear that what I had was much more than a sinus infection. I kept arguing with myself whether or not to go to the hospital but by mid afternoon I had a friend pick me up and take me to the nearest emergency room. I must have looked very unwell because I was taken straight through to the nurse, then straight into a bed. By this evening it was clear that I had made the right choice to come to the hospital, and my lovely friend stayed with me until it got late and I was falling asleep. I am so thankful we have emergency departments and that I was within driving distance to one. Working in a hospital myself I can understand how working in an emergency department is tough and demanding, it takes special people to work there. Say what you will about them, but here in Australia we are so fortunate to be able to seek medical help no matter who we are, we all get seen to eventually.

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