Monday, 3 November 2014

Day 57...

THURSDAY 30.10.14 - I am thankful for... Starting my Christmas shopping early!

Since deciding to only give Christmas gifts from charities and non-profit organisations (I mentioned this in an earlier blog) I have gotten in early and started my shopping today. I love giving gifts, shopping around for each person hoping I get something they will really like, but there's also something a little extra special about knowing the money is going to a worthy cause.Several people are being blessed by each gift I buy, the recipient, the organisation and the people/animals/places that are recipients of the organisations help. However, this is not as easy as it sounds because obviously your shopping options are a little more limited that just going to the local Westfields and doing it all it one hit. So today I had an idea of a few people's gifts and have gotten straight into it, knowing most of it will have to be done online and to prevent any stress as we get closer to Christmas. It's coming up quickly, and I planned to be super dooper prepared!

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