Wednesday 29 April 2015

Day 231...

WEDNESDAY 22.4.15 - I am thankful for... Windscreen wipers

*Picture from

This morning's drive was possibly the CRAZIEST and SCARIEST drive to work I have ever done! Sydney has been lashed with some violent storms over the past few days, with little sign it is finished. I took a different route to work due to road closures on the way I usually go. The rain hit my car so hard and the wind was so ferocious that I could barely see a few metres in front of me! I felt like a nanna driven down a highway at only 50-60 km per hour but honestly it was the safest way to do so. I kept thinking to myself "thank goodness for windscreen wipers" because I don't know how I, or anyone else for that matter, would have been able to drive through this wild weather just to get to work. Thankfully, though it was still raining, the trip home this afternoon was much easier to make. So today it is easy enough to be thankful for windscreen wipers, the small invention that was imperative for getting me to work today.

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