Wednesday 8 April 2015

Day 212...

FRIDAY 3.4.15 - I am thankful for... Good Friday

Today is Good Friday in the Christian calendar, the Friday immediately preceding Easter Sunday. It was not hard to think of something to be thankful for as today signifies the day Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified to save mankind. Whether you also think of Good Friday in this way or just enjoy the public holiday, I believe everyone has something to be thankful for today. For me, it's a time where I can reflect on this sacrifice and what it means for me. I was also able to enjoy a day off work and watch movies with a bunch of friends. All in all a good day and good start to the weekend. It's not exactly a day for joy, but more for solemn reflection. Today I am thankful that God sent his son to die for the sins of the world, that we are able to remember this year after year and can do so free from persecution.

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