Thursday, 3 September 2015

Day 365... the last one

THURSDAY 3.9.15 - I am thankful for... My ability to be thankful! And being able to blog about it

Day 365. An entire year of finding at least one thing to be thankful for in each day. It was definitely not easy, some days there are so many things to be thankful for and others you really have to think hard. But I've proved, if only to myself, that it's very possible. So for my last day I am very thankful for my ability to be thankful. It's actually been a really tough week with today being the worst yet. However my work colleagues gave me an early birthday surprise with these beautiful flowers and CHEESECAKE! I already got my birthday wish and its not even my birthday yet. I'm extremely blessed to have wonderful people in my life, something I've never been short of. And some on those people have been listening to me whinge all week. Sorry guys!

Tomorrow I turn 28. Not sure how I feel about it, I'm not exactly where I'd thought I'd be in life, which is neither good nor bad. Just different. However, I chose to look at each and every day with thanksgiving. Thankful that I wake up. Thankful that I have a day to look forward to. Thankful I have people to enjoy it with. Thankful I have all my needs met. And hopeful I have the next day to look forward to. This experience has definitely helped me grow, I'm all the better for it.

Thank you for reading my blog! If you have any questions feel free to ask. It's going to be weird not doing it anymore, but I hope you all got something out of it, I know I did.


  1. That was certainly an amazing commitment to make and keep honey. I am so proud of all you have achieved over the past 365 days and more importantly, the past nearly 28 years.

  2. Happy birthday gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your gratitude with us over the past year. It has been a wonderful journey xxx
