Wednesday 17 September 2014

Day 14...

DAY 14 - I am thankful for... Malteasers :)

Not a particularly deep and meaningful one today. I LOVE MALTEASERS! Actually, I just love chocolate. Milk, dark and white, I like it all. But there's just something about malteasers that just put them above the rest in my opinion. Maybe its because you can eat as little or as many as you want (usually more towards the "as many") or that you can share them or put them in popcorn and eat them together at the movies. One thing is certain, I could easily eat malteasers everyday if I had the chance, so generally I don't buy them for myself for that reason. This particular box I finished today which had been a birthday present. I am thankful for having had them, but I'm also thankful they are finished! Because, unfortunately, there is such a thing as too much chocolate!

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